5 Signs you are emotionally drained
5 Signs you are emotionally drained. We all are emotionally drained when it comes to balancing our personal life, work and our internal desires. Our current life style do not offer us to sit back and relax. It is inescapable to work hard for years to earn a normal financial state. Observe these as signs to rewire your brain in order to get back on track. Loosing focus easily – Focus is what we loose at first when we are emotionally drained. We are not able to focus on a topic for long hours. There are some other thoughts which keep on hindering in between. Eating less or more – Our second…
You can’t express emotions? Now you will !
You can’t express emotions? You must have thought about this in some phase of your life. Well easier said than done – it is really important to express our feelings in real time. If we ignore them or burry them deep inside , its still remains a part of us that too for a long time. It starts affecting us in very peculiar way like having heavy head, upset stomach. We may even vent our frustration over polite people. No matter how much we try to hide our unexpressed emotion it becomes bigger and stronger to be expressed. Finally when the expression takes place it is pretty loud. The very next moment…
Does basic Human emotions change or remain the same?
Basic human emotions do not change and remain the same. Why do we say that? As human being we all face the same emotions. However some emotions may overpower others as per situations. According to personality types there are few emotions which act as the basic ones for us. It starts with how we process a situation into a message (i.e. perception) which makes us feel in a particular way. Human behavior flows through 3 main sources – Knowledge, Desire and Emotions. – Plato We have the ability to change our personality and emotions over a long period of time by changing our perception. But still as a habit of…
How to stay happy even in hard times? 11 tips for Internal Happiness.
The question here is not to be happy or try to change the way we think. The question here is what we can actually adopt to be in the state of calm and happiness in most of the times of our life. This may include linking our self to the truth, being more futuristic , understanding our self in order to control our emotions etc. What is a hard time? It can be stress or anxiety or any kind of panic situation. What happens in a panic situation? To understand our happiness , we need to understand our sorrow, panic or sad emotions first. Let’s try to understand it in…